3 Things You Need To Know About Live Videos

You know Internet businesses have to be crazy competitive, and I am not just talking about smaller businesses like you or me, but the big guns like Facebook and YouTube. Right now there's a turf war on the Internet and every top social or search company is competing for every new innovation. In 2017-2018, it's live videos and Facebook and YouTube are really slugging it out over it.
1. Both Facebook and YouTube want you to choose them over the other
Yep, Facebook is trying to ensure that every single person who ever goes live chooses it, and YouTube wants to make sure that live videos do not become a way to steal video viewer views from it. So they are both working very hard to get people to go live on their platform and not on the other. That includes making going live easier, incentivizing it, and trying to send more traffic to people who go live on their platform than the other one. So if you are hard pressed to choose, read on.
2. You don't have to choose, you can go live on both
Sounds kind of unbelievable. After all you can use only one app to go live at a time, and unless you have a setup of two phones or cameras or two separate feeds you can't go live on both the platforms. Right? Not really. It doesn't have to be that complicated, nor that expensive, nor that difficult to manage. All you need to do is go live on one, then take your pre-recorded video, and use it to livecast your video on the other platform. Effectively you go live on each platform. Yes, you can legally do so without breaking their terms of service. There a many software that can enable this. Like Livecaster or OBS.
3. You can go live with any video
A live video does not have to be you facing the camera and talking to people. It can be your slick pre-produced and edited video, it can be an animated feature, it can be your ad film, and it can be a screencast that you've done. With tools like Livecaster, you can just pick up any video from your PC and livecast it to Facebook or to YouTube. It's as simple as the click of a button, and you get the same explosion in reach and traffic that you would get with a video in which you are going live on your phone. If you haven't started livecasting on Facebook or YouTube yet, change that today and see the difference it can make to your viewer count.