Top 5 reasons you must sell on the Facebook Marketplace

Looking for a new way to find buyers? Facebook fulfills your wish.In the year 2016, Facebook announced an all new section for sellers; the Facebook Marketplace.Just like Craigslist, eBay, etc, Facebook Marketplace also offers the same functionality with a tinge of socialness in it.If you have not started selling on this platform yet, it is time you did. Facebook Marketplace can help you find local buyers for nearly every product. The audience is already there after all!Let us have a look at the top 5 reasons you must sell your products on Facebook Marketplace.
5 reasons why you must sell your products on Facebook Marketplace
With 1 billion active users, Facebook Marketplace provides a great opportunity for all types of businesses.
Sell your products one-on-one
Facebook Marketplace allows you to sell your products in a one-on-one fashion via Facebook Messenger. It enables you to talk to your customers directly.If your buyer is having any queries regarding your product, they can ask you questions directly and you can answer them in real-time. This helps you to provide your customers with the required information before they lose interest in your product.This function on Facebook Marketplace also enables the customers to feel confident and comfortable while making buying decisions.Drop automated messages to the inboxes of your customers directly by using Site Contact which is one of the most reliable social media marketing tools. Click here to get Sitecontact
Publish your products easily
It is easier to publish your products for sale on Faceboook app. You can create a list of your products in less than a minute.The smooth Facebook user interface allows you to streamline the process of conversion and increase your sales. To increase the conversion rate, link your Facebook shop - if you have one- to the Marketplace and you are good to go.
Safer platform
Platforms like Craigslist offer complete anonymity which sometimes makes the buyers lose confidence in the products they want to buy because there is a possibility of the sellers faking their identity.On the other hand, Facebook Marketplace is directly linked to the buyers and the sellers accounts and hence, the chances of fraudulent activities are less.On Facebook Marketplace, the buyers get the opportunity to check the Facebook profile of the sellers and all their activities in the Marketplace. This allows them to gain trust while making buying decisions.
Reach a wider audience
Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms which has got approximately 2.7 billion monthly active users from all over the world. That's a huge number. Isn't it?So, if you advertise your product on Facebook, chances are you can reach a wider audience. Another advantage of using Facebook Marketplace is that people on Facebook mostly browse and may end up viewing your product. But on other platforms, people mostly search for their desired product which reduces the chances of your product getting viewed.
Powerful marketing tools
Facebook Marketplace provides different marketing tools such as the merchant selling feature which allows the users to sell their products easily. If you are planning to sell your products on Facebook Marketplace, use marketing automation tools to create automatic replies to any queries of the customers. Chatbots can also be used to answer the common questions of your customers.
Now you are well aware of the different reasons why you should opt for Facebook Marketplace while selling your products online. So what are you waiting for? Start your business and boost your sales to bring home some cash.