Instagram v/s Facebook Who Will Win?

Comparing Instagram and Facebook is like comparing Naruto Uzikamani with Sasuke Uchiya. They both have sheer power and selecting one is back-breaking.
From all the social media platforms worldwide Facebook has the most massive audience. Because of its popularity, other websites have worked to integrate with it. So with just one single Facebook account, you can sign in to different websites seamlessly.
According to recent research USA alone, has more than two-thirds of adults on this site. Also, the advanced targeting options that Facebook provides to marketers is the ultimate shadow Jutsu of Naruto.
Facebook Ad platforms allow you to target audiences with 89% Accuracy.
Well, now that's something hard to ignore.
The best part is Facebook itself creates an opportunity for businesses to choose demographics, locations, and interests of its users to help them get the most relevant ads.
The largest demographic group of Facebook users is between 25 to 45 and the most common demographic is women.
As we all know content is king and with Facebook, you can make the most out of content by sharing articles, creating events, converse and advertise via messenger. This can help you create a better relationship with your audience.
Make sure that video is a part of your content strategy because Facebook loves Videos the way Naruto loves its Ramen noodles.
One can set up a Facebook shop that can act as a single online store for valuable customers to access on both the social media platforms {Instagram and Facebook}
This helps in engaging with ideal customers, building brand awareness, sharing details of products, and optimizing conversions.
With Facebook Page Insights one can receive analytics regarding both paid and free posts. One can take benefits of the Facebook page regardless of their business size because creating a Facebook page is absolutely free. This can be a great business strategy for start-ups, small businesses, and even large size businesses.
Facebook page is also treated as a funnel for clients who want to know more about a particular brand. With the help of Facebook, businesses can drive traffic to their website through Facebook ads that lead to the landing page.
Now let's talk about the strength of Instagram
Instagram is booming rapidly and has a vast, incredibly engaged youth following.
Compared to Facebook there is not that much advertising competition here.
Social media and online shopping platforms are ruled by mobile devices, marketing on this platform makes sense because it feeds users who are mostly engaged on this platform.
And remember just because your audience is young that doesn't mean they aren't engaging and spending because they are.
Without any doubt, Instagram has the highest engagement rate as compared to other social media platforms because people here can interact more, enjoy high-quality visual content while marketers can do their work.
Are you aware of the latest features of Instagram?
The latest features are reels, products tags, guides, badges, shoppable feed, business account, etc., these upgrades are making it a more market-oriented platform.
These upgrades are used both by small businesses and top brands like Reebok, Chanel, Gucci, etc., to sink in their branding roots deeper.
To make business discoverable on Instagram one can use hashtags. This will help to widen the spread of your posts. According to research just one hashtag on a post can give 12.6% more engagement than those without.
The best part is Instagram allows you to check the performance of your hashtags every time you launch a campaign.
The fun fact is it has 19 photo editing effects, one can use them to make photos look and feel more vibrant, fun, and appealing.
One can communicate with their audience through IG Live in real-time, this will improve discoverability and connections with users.
Influencers marketing is making a lot of buzzes these days. Many brands and even small businesses partner with influencers to increase their brand awareness, reach, and visibility. Influencers also help to build trust among customers.
The influencers market started booming on Instagram. Influencers reach target audiences effortlessly and buyers also look after influencers in making buying decisions.
By keeping an active presence any business can thrive through Instagram and can reach its target audience. Also, businesses have started linking their website on top of their Instagram page which drives more traffic to their website.
Businesses can increase engagement and audience interactions with the help of Instagram stories. By putting questionnaires on stories businesses are able to encourage audience involvement.
With Instagram ads, businesses can reach more potential customers. They can target particular demographics to collect valuable data which can help in more engagement.
Instagram Shop helps to integrate a product catalog with an Instagram profile which helps in conversions, sales, and much more. With this marketers can promote their products directly to customers with the help of graphics and videos.
Conclusion: Who is the Winner?
No one is a True Winner here because, in the end, it is all about marketing the campaign goal effectively and you can do that by using both Instagram and Facebook.
You can start with Facebook ad Campaign and then publish it on Instagram where you can get more follow-ups and engagement.
You can do it vice versa by first starting a campaign on Instagram than on Facebook, it all depends on the number of followers you have on each platform that can convert easily.
Facebook is the best platform for visibility and is a great platform for funnel users because it is designed to capture users' interest and nurture them until they're ready to purchase.
On the other hand, Instagram is a great platform for Customer Engagement and it dominates industries like fashion, beauty, photography, and celebrity news. This makes it a popular place for influencers and bloggers.
In the end, it all depends on your needs and target audience. Both of these platforms can give provide you engagement and leads its all depends on your approach.
However, choosing the most suitable approach for marketing can be difficult. At Teknikforce we aim to help you decide the relevant marketing approach for your brand. Leave a comment below if you need one.