Author Archives: Cyril Maithily Gupta

Are You An Email Marketer? Your Rules Of Engagement Are Laid Out In PECR, Not GDPR

The vision Even though there is much furore about the GDPR and its impact on businesses, there is another set of directives that also deal with the issue of data privacy and has been in force for a long time now. It is the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). The PECR deals specifically within…

GDPR: Does It Affect All Bloggers?

The GDPR affects all bloggers that collect data. That is the short answer. In principle, that is quite a straightforward statement. But when it comes to the application of the principle to blogs, there are quite a few pressing concerns and persistent gaps in understanding of the GDPR. There are diverse interpretations that exist also…

5 Ways How GDPR Will Protect You Online

Given the recent developments over the massive misuse of online data, it was only natural for citizens to feel concerned and be even anxious over the control of their data by businesses. The opt- out system for example – part of the mechanisms that were employed for data collection – was an automatically driven process…

5 Things You Need to Make Your WordPress Blog GDPR Compliant

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is round the corner and it is one strict piece of legislation. Non-compliance will invite a fine of up to £20 million or 4 percent of the turnover (whichever is greater), and for any small to medium enterprise that is a lot of money to lose. In such a…

5 Important Things You Must Know About Google’s ‘Mobile First’ Requirement

By now, we all know about Google’s ‘Mobile-First’ move. Before getting into the nitty-gritty as to what exactly this new idea is, let’s first have a short discussion on this interesting term ‘Mobile-First’ – quite a relatable terminology, right! We literally are preferring our mobiles first in any given situation. Before we go to take…

5 Things You Need To Do To Make Your WordPress Site GDPR Compliant

Starting May 25, 2018 the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will come into force and will require all concerned organisations to meet its requirements or face serious action. According to the GDPR, all organisations that collect data of EU citizens, irrespective of whether they are located in the EU or not, are required to observe…

Online Advertising : Facebook Vs Google Vs Twitter Vs LinkedIn Vs Quora – Which is The Best Platform?

The ultimate guide that tells you how to target the correct audience on each platform The Internet is a jungle, and no two animals are the same even if they are vying for the same set of eyeballs. Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and Quora, all of them are amazingly successful social websites used by billions…

3 Things You Need To Know About Live Videos

You know Internet businesses have to be crazy competitive, and I am not just talking about smaller businesses like you or me, but the big guns like Facebook and YouTube. Right now there’s a turf war on the Internet and every top social or search company is competing for every new innovation. In 2017-2018, it’s…

Welcome, and Thanks For Being so Awesome

I started Teknikforce from a quiet apartment in Pune five years ago with our first product Tubejeet, that I coded, designed, packaged and released solo. The journey began in 2013, but the seeds were laid 3 years ago in 2010 when I got sick of making software for the local market in India. Those were…